Friday, August 23, 2013

Thank You

We have wrapped up our time here in Evergreen as we are making our move to Texas to be closer to family.  It's a big change filled with tons of emotions, but in the core of it all, it feels right.  It's time for Brent & I to spend time with our sweet families and enjoy them while we can.  And, we are pretty excited about the adventure this change is bringing!  The hardest part is saying goodbye to all the wonderful people we have met and to all the close close friendships we have made here. We will miss our friends but we take comfort in the fact that we will see them again and thanks to our world of social media, everyone is just a Facebook, news feed away.  I have to admit it has been bittersweet to close our shop.  All the joy, creativity, hard work, time, and energy that we have put into Bella is coming to an end.  But, again, I take comfort & joy in the fact that it has been a good place to be for the past 5 years, a wonderful experience, a great opportunity to meet some fabulous people, and the best, most-important part of it all for me personally, is that we will revive some version of Bella in Texas once we get settled.  

So, thank you to each and everyone of you for your love, support, encouragement, laughs, smiles, and hugs. Best wishes in your personal journey and we look forward to the opportunity that perhaps our paths will cross again soon!  If you would like to keep updated with what we are doing and all of our adventures in Texas, then follow us here on the blog.  You can subscribe (the box in the upper left corner) to the feed and you will only get an e-mail from us when we post something new.  I will be using it to update all of our explorations and happenings in the land that awaits us. 

Thank you & big hugs to each & everyone of you!!
Michele & Brent 

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