Thursday, July 14, 2011

If Walls Could Talk

If walls could talk, I am confident that our walls at Bella Vita would say "Ahhhhhh".  Why, you ask?  Well, a couple of them just went through a "mini spa treatment" of sorts.  We partnered with Natural Interiors & Articulate Finish to "treat" a few of our walls and display an environmentally friendly, sustainable, yet beautiful wall treatment using American Clay (kind of like a mud facial treatment!).  It is quite the technique with a beautiful, warm, rustic finish that surpasses (in my opinion) any other decorative finish a wall could have.  This clay that is applied to the wall is actually natural clay found right here in the good ole USA and is then tinted with natural pigments to create a dynamic, yet very clean, decorative technique for the walls of your home, office, or business.  The process is amazing as it is applied with trowels and artistic strokes of the hand to create the texture.  There are multiple colors you can choose from so it is easy to find colors that fit into any interior color scheme.  It is 100% natural, VOC-free, easy to use, durable, & absolutely beautiful.  We will be hosting a class this fall so that you can learn more about this gorgeous application & how to apply it in your home.  If you are interested in participating in the class, let us know and we will sign you up!   

We are delighted and so grateful to Natural Interiors (a wonderful shop in Wheat Ridge full of natural products, like American Clay, that are for the interior of your home) & to John Wood from Articulate Finish (he is the artist & mastermind behind this amazing application & so many others too!) for this partnership.  Please come by and see our newly "spa-treated"/transformed walls.  I am confident you will love the look of this natural clay and perhaps you will even hear our walls say "Ahhhh"! 

American Clay Articulate Finish Natural Clay Wall Bella Vita
{John Wood from Articulate Finish "in process" of the application}

{The walls post treatment...}
American Clay Natural Clay Wall Articulate Finish Bella Vita

American Clay Natural Clay Wall Articulate Finish Bella Vita
American Clay Natural Clay Wall Bella Vita

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