Friday, May 27, 2011

A Seasonal Re-Arrange

Summer is coming and what a great time to refresh your home and ready it for the season ahead!  Bella Vita just went through a refresh of sorts as my husband & I spent last week re-arranging the shop.  It was quite a task this go 'round for some reason, but when it was all said and done it does feel good to have a fresh new look.  You might be wondering why the re-arrange now when it seems like we just arrived at our new digs.  Well, in all honesty when we moved our shop into our new space we worked really hard to get our doors open as soon as possible.  So for our regular customers out there, the new space probably felt very similar to our old space in Kittredge.  But after "living" here for a few months, it really felt like it was time for a new look, a new perspective, and so the plans for the re-arrange began!  Ironically, the original plan which was to re-arrange everything over a weekend and have it all in place by Monday morning came to a screeching halt when we walked in to the shop last Monday morning.  We had spent the weekend re-arranging, and there were parts of the re-arrange that seemed okay, but the overall flow just didn't feel right.  So much to my husband (and my) chagrin, early Monday morning we started moving shelves, tables, the bed, everything again, and yet again!  Our poor customers who decided to pop in that day were welcomed by big shelves in the middle of the room and product literally everywhere - what a mess!  But by the end of the day we had achieved a place of rest.  We were exhausted and completely tired of moving shelves from wall to wall, so we landed where we did and we feel like it is a good landing - at least for now and for this season! Urban Farmhouse Style Bella Vita Urban Farmhouse Style Outdoor Dining Bella Vita Urban Farmhouse Style Kitchen Goods Bella Vita Urban Farmhouse Style Bedding Bella Vita Urban Farmhouse Style Bath Goods Bella Vita

Perhaps you are feeling an urge to refresh or re-arrange your home as this summer approaches.  Although it may not sound like I would be such an advocate from my experiences last week, I say go for it!  A seasonal refresh is always a good thing and helps you celebrate the beauty of the new season.  It doesn't have to be a complete overhaul either.  Maybe it's just adding throw pillows in a seasonal color, new bedding or just new pillow shams, switching out dining chairs, or adding a new runner to the table.  Maybe it is even as simple as a candle or linen spray that brings to mind favorite vacations or memories of the season.  Find what inspires you about the season ahead and then however big or small, surround yourself with the celebration and beauty of summer!


  1. I think the new layout looks fantastic! Very open and maybe it's my imagination, but lighter.

    And if it makes you feel better, I made my husband help me move all of the furniture in our son's room last weekend, only to move it all back where it went originally. But we did get some major dusting and vacuuming done!!

  2. Thank you Sabina! I think the shop looks lighter too, so imagination or not, at least 2 of us are struck by the same vision. :0)

    And, kudos to you for taking the task on of your son's room. Sometimes, all that is needed is the opportunity to just see it differently and decide that we really did like it just the way it was.
