Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shiny Happy Appliances

Okay, so one of the "rules" of operation at Bella Vita is that we really do try to try most everything we carry in our little shop so that we can actually speak about our products from our own personal experience.  Most things that I bring home, I am anxious to unwrap and try immediately.  However, I have to admit that when I brought home a bottle of Caldrea Stainless Steel Spray I did not for whatever reason exactly jump on the testing of it.  Instead, I placed it lovingly on a counter shelf where I could admire the bright green label and be reminded almost daily that I really should pick it up and actually try it.  But, I was always quick to tell myself that I had no time or that other things were more pressing.  
Caldrea Stainless Steel Spray Ginger Pomelo Bella Vita
{Caldrea Stainless Steel Spray in Ginger Pomelo}

I'm not sure why I was so lax in trying this particular product because I am a HUGE fan of Caldrea's Countertop Cleanser!  You would think then that I would jump on the immediacy of trying another yummy smelling earth-friendly cleaner that actually works.  And the worst part of my procrastination was that my stainless steel appliances were screaming out to me with a massive need for some kind of cleaning, if even a little testing.  While my bright bottle of Stainless Steel Spray sat in its place on the counter shelf, I kept (as sad as it is to say) neglecting the pleads from my dishwasher & refrigerator (the ones in MOST need of a little shine).  However, push finally came to shove when I was assigned as a hostess to an upcoming planning meeting which was happening in exactly 2 days.  People were going to be in my home and since most planning meetings require food and my kitchen is the obvious stage for any food display indulgences, I was FORCED to finally pick up my bottle and give it a whirl (or spray).  I decided to start with the fridge.  So I sprayed, wiped with a clean cloth, and repeated this action a few times.  I stepped away from my fridge to see if I could see any difference, and I was completely amazed!  It was like a heavenly light was shining down upon the "test" area, the angels had begun to sing, and I was in complete awe.  Suddenly, I wanted all my surroundings to be stainless steel just so I could keep using this cleaner and witnessing this amazing transformation.  I know, it sounds like I am being way too animated about a cleaning product, but I had truly never had such an easy experience with such outstanding results.  I grabbed my camera & tried to capture this phenomenal transformation, but being the amateur photographer that I am, it's possible that you might not quite get it, but hopefully you can see a little bit of what I was trying to capture... 

Stainless Steel Spray Bella Vita
{My fridge 'before' - can you see the smudges?}

Caldrea Stainless Steel Spray Bella Vita
{My fridge 'after' - all shiny & happy}

Stainless Steel Spray Bella Vita
{My dishwasher 'before' - really grimy - can you see it?}

Caldrea Stainless Steel Spray Bella Vita
{My dishwasher 'after' - all shiny & happy - what a difference!}
I have tried stainless steel cleaners in the past that were okay at best, which may be why I was so reluctant to try this one, but this absolutely blew my mind and turned me into a huge fan of cleaning my appliances.  Is it wrong (or just plain sick) to purposely smudge the appliances just to have a reason to clean them again?  Regardless, I am now a huge advocate for this cleaner especially if you have stainless steel appliances that you actually use and that end up with water drips, grubby hand marks, or whatever else gets slung around your kitchen.  It is really so very easy to use, the results are immediate, and it leaves my kitchen smelling absolutely divine!  Oh, and the most important benefit - I have shiny, happy, appliances!